Please Note - 2026 Enrolments
Enrolments for 2026 have not yet opened. We are anticipating that we will begin inviting families to apply for 2026 by the end of Term 1, 2025.
In the meantime, if you have not already done so, we encourage you to submit a General Enrolment Enquiry Form. Doing so will add your details to our list to receive an invitation to apply when enrolments open.
For information regarding Open Days and Principal's Tours, click here.
Enrolling at FVSSC
To begin an application for enrolment, you will need to complete a General Enrolment Enquiry Form External link.
Upon receipt of your Enquiry Form, our Enrolment Officer will email you an 'Invitation to Apply', which contains the instructions for submitting your application.
What Next?
Once you've submit your completed application, including the requested additional documents, your application is passed on to our Deputy Principal for review.
If successful, our Enrolment Officer will be in contact with an invitation for your family to attend an enrolment interview with a member of the School Leadership Team. The interview is a requirement of the process, and enrolment is not finalised until this step is complete.
Out of Catchment Applications
Currently, FVSSC is taking applications from out of catchment families. However, priority is given to in catchment families, and positions for out of catchment applicants are dependent on cohort size and our Catchment Management Plan.
Additionally, one of our primary considerations when reviewing out of catchment applications is travel time. An easy, short commute to and from school is in the best interest of our students.
For further information or queries, please feel free to telephone (07) 3016 8888 or email