Fortitude Valley State Secondary College has collaborated with our community and partners to design a curriculum that supports our vision and values statement:
Creating a community of agile learners who are bold, resilient and kind
We see our learners as entrepreneurial agents of change, overcoming the challenges of today while shaping the environments and economies of the future. We are committed to helping every learner develop as a whole person and fulfil their potential in shaping a shared future built on the well-being of individuals, communities and the planet.

Australian Curriculum
Fortitude Valley State Secondary College students will engage with the Australian Curriculum. Rather than grouping the knowledge and skills found within the Australian Curriculum into discipline-based subjects, or Key Learning Areas, these knowledge and skills have been grouped into six tailor-made courses, which will ensure that students are equipped for their future.
Each course will engage students in meaningful, purposeful and authentic learning experiences through which they will learn the traditional knowledge and skills of the Key Learning Areas contained in the Australian Curriculum. That is, the traditional subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, History and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Technologies, The Arts and LOTE will be embedded across the six courses.
Learning Stages
Progression from Year 7 to Year 12 at FVSSC is based on an understanding that student learning will progress through key developmental stages of experiencing, exploring, navigating, and mastering the curriculum. The FVSSC Learning Stages are intentionally not linked to traditional year-based progression. Instead, Units within each Course at FVSSC are written to align with the FVSSC Learning Stages

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