Stymie is a digital platform that allows students to send anonymous notifications to the School about someone who they believe is being bullied or harmed. Notifications sent to Stymie are encrypted, anonymous and confidential. Stymie does not store any information and was built with the consideration of the Australian Safe Schools Framework and the recommendations from the Australian Covert Bullying Prevalence Study.
The school wishes to advise parents of the following:
- Stymie is not owned or maintained by the Department of Education
- The department cannot guarantee the integrity and security of Stymie, including hardware and software
- Images uploaded can be screenshots of conversations only. Screenshots are not to contain images of students or other persons
Accessing Stymie
All students can access Stymie by navigating to and select "Make a Notification" or selecting the Stymie icon on their student iPad.
For further information refer to the About Section on the Stymie website.